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Below are a select number of products from FAMILY PASTIMES

Search Results: Displaying 76-91 of 91

MSRP: $12.25
Age Range: 10 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

The players are a team of House Detectives coordinating their efforts to prevent a gang of sophisticated Thieves from stealing the Hotel Guests' Valuables, worth Millions.

We have Surveillance Cameras, Burglar Alarms, Handcuffs, sets of Fake Valuables, and Brilliant Minds (that's us) to assist in our fight against Crime. With a bit of luck, lots of cleverness, and good Teamwork, losses will be little or nil.

But we must not underestimate those Thieves. Just look at their plush Hideout loaded with Goodies. They know how to use the Elevators and Hallways to advantage. They are Specialists in thieving particular Valuables — although there is one who knows no limits and will steal everything.

Millions of dollars are at stake, not to mention lots of Reward money. It is up to us to outfox the foxes and teach them that Crime doesn't pay, no matter how slick and greedy you are.

Includes: 17 x 17" board, 8 kinds of valuables, 6 thieves, 6 thieves' hideouts, 9 stopper cards, jail, rules for basic and harder games.

1-8 Players
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 16033      (added 11/6/2007)

MSRP: $10.50
Age Range: 8 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

Trouble is stirring in the jungle. Village children have disappeared, temples have been robbed, rare animals captured...

A call for help reaches our hidden camp. We slip into the dark and dangerous Interior. Our mission is to protect and save. We are the eyes and ears of the jungle — the Jungle Rangers. Skill and cleverness will be needed to make the rescues and return alive. Imaginations will be challenged because we must use whatever resources we find to overcome the deadly dangers. But our very best resource is ourselves, working as a team, eyes and ears for each other. Careful thinking, bold imagination and cooperative teamwork are encouraged.

A different adventure each time. Tricky strategies entice adults as well. Take great care, amigos!

Includes: 13" x 18" board, valuables, dangers, resources, special chart.

1-10 Players
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 16032      (added 11/6/2007)

MSRP: $8.00
Age Range: 9 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games
General Games

This cooperative game teaches players about how over-hunting and destruction of natural habitats places species in danger. Players get to conduct research and initiate laws and conservation methods to save as many endangered species as possible. The box includes 20 endangered creature cards, 50 research, protection, hunting and habitat tokens, a project marker, an educational booklet with species information and game rules. Advanced game rules are available for older players.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 15704      (added 10/11/2007)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $15.00
Age Range: 5 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

The Royal Elf Family is coming to visit their Mountain Kingdom. They want us Elves to fill their Treasure Chests with the different Gems we Mine. However, Ogres have heard about the Visit and plan to grab all the Valuables for themselves. We must do our best to get Royals & Ogres alike to share the Goodies.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 14975      (added 8/30/2007)

Age Range: 6 to 12
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

We are customers visiting the Market. Some times we buy things. Some times we just look. Sometimes we return stuff. It’s up to us to decide what to buy or just look at. Each Vendor must sell enough to be able to come back another day. If they don’t make some money or even lose money, they will leave.

So, the object is to watch out for everyone’s welfare. To do this well, we must discuss, plan, & problem-solve together, so everyone will enjoy some success. Lots of decision making for each player. The basic game plays quickly, with an advanced game for older players.

Includes: 12 booths, 50 tokens of looking, buying and returning.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 14587      (added 8/10/2007)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $10.00
Age Range: 7 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

Players are Parent Birds trying to save their Baby Birds from Predators such as Hawks and Cats. The cards provide six Places for Nests, six Birds, six Predators and six Kinds of Food. All the action takes place on the Neighborhood Chart. Predator Dangers are placed near the Neighborhood. Places to make Nests are played first, then Nests, then Food for each Nest, which attracts a Predator. Will we, the Parent Birds, be able to chase away the Predator? Clever play will make all the difference, as we talk over our plans and make careful choices, with each player making an important contribution. This game is exciting and educational: Memory, math and problem-solving skills are nurtured as well. It is suitable for two to six players.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 12636      (added 5/3/2007)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $15.00
Age Range: 4 to 7
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

Summer has arrived and so have the bugs. Inside my cabin, 6 different ones are on the move. I am glad to see that the Old Spider is also back putting his web out for them. Especially for that Fly, which gets into everything. We are going to help Old Spider catch these bugs. On a turn, each player deploys the web, rolls the dice and sees if any bugs get trapped. As the game goes on, some of the bugs may wiggle free and fly out the window. They can be very tricky! So, we and the Old Spider must make some careful choices. 1-6 Players.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 12635      (added 5/3/2007)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $15.00
Age Range: 4 to 7
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

We must help get the little Creatures safely home before Max, the Tomcat, catches them. In an exciting way, children learn logic, consultation and decision making. An important issue to discuss is also raised: we don't like Max catching those Little Ones, yet we recognize that he is a natural hunter. How do we resolve this in our minds and hearts? Let's talk it over. 1-8 Players.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 12634      (added 5/3/2007)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $15.00
Age Range: 4 to 7
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

An ecology game for children! Planet Earth can be a beautiful place, shared by all. Sadly, it has been harmed and made ugly in lots of ways. Players work together to restore the beauty. Can they do it before the dark pollution clouds encircle the beautiful place? They have a much better chance if they work together. Environmental concepts are presented in a simple way. Or, just play it as an exciting nature game. 2-4 Players.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 12633      (added 5/3/2007)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $8.00
Age Range: 4 to 7
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

Four different cooperative tile games. Players form as many good Berry Patches as they can, with the help of the friendly Bullfrogs. The basic mathematical skills of adding, subtracting, multipying and dividing all get a workout. Six tiles have only Berries on them. Six have only Bugs. Eight have both Berries and Bugs. The Bug shown is a Slug, one of the few insects that damage Strawberries. Each of the 12 Bullfrogs can eat one bug. In THE GOOD BERRY PATCH GAME, players form as many Good Berry Patches as they can that have more Berries than Bugs. In THE BUG-FREE BERRY PATCH GAME, each Bug will eat a Berry and only saved Berries count... with a Bonus for each totally Bug-Free Patch formed. There are also two MIND-READER BERRY PATCH GAMES, in which each tile is played silently with players trying to guess what tile the others are going to play. 1-12 Players.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 12632      (added 5/3/2007)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $10.00
Age Range: 4 to 7
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

Aunty Ruth sends us into her Orchards to gather Apples, fill the boxes and bring them to her little Store by the Highway, where lots of people stop by. There are 4 different Apples to pick. Aunty Ruth wants some to sell for Eating, some for making Cider & Juice, some for Baking and some for Sauces. Each player spins to see from which Orchard to pick apples. But watch out for the wormy ones or those chewed up by deer! When everyone has had a turn at the spinner, we help to fill as many of the different boxes as we can with the apples we picked, and count up how many different boxed collections we managed to finish. Then Aunty Ruth pays our Crew for the work done. Thus, our math skills of adding and dividing get some practise. Apple picking is indeed hard work, but really worthwhile. 2-4 Players.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 12631      (added 5/3/2007)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $15.00
Age Range: 8 to 12
Launch Date: March 2007
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

In this adventure game for two to 12 players, four areas in the park are reserved for exploration — a lake with an island, desert conditions, mountainous trails and forest paths. Stormy weather comes along and a child, a young woman, an older man and a family of five are missing. The Search & Rescue team must share equipment, develop strategies and contend with mounting storm centers in order to save them. The company requires a $100 wholesale minimum, and the game can be mixed with other titles. This game made Dr. Toy's Spring 2007 Best Products List. Launch date: March 2007.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 11934      (added 3/15/2007)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $15.00
Age Range: 8 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

Armed with cameras, binoculars and other equipment, two to six players leave camp for a hike in the Park to learn about wildlife. While trying to get as many animal photographs as possible on their way back to the Guest Lodge for refreshments, players learn about the wisdom of the woods, its dangers, plants and creatures, and ways of tracking. The company requires a $100 minimum order of mixed titles.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 11279      (added 1/29/2007)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $22.00
Age Range: 10 and up
Launch Date: January 2007
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

Barbarians have stolen four containers with special parchment revealing the secrets to gaining Truth, Beauty, Compassion and Freedom, but these cannot be opened without the Secret Codes, kept by the Ten Guardians of the Codes. The ruthless Barbarians have imprisoned the Ten Guardians in the Walled City, and the Seekers must restore the Sacred Icons to their four Spiritual Power Centers —
a difficult task that’s not for the faint-hearted. “All of [the games] I designed are based on the cooperative play principle,” President Jim Deacove of Family Pastimes told TDmonthly. “Strong players are not put in the position to take advantage of the other players.” Launch date: January 15, 2007.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 11169      (added 1/16/2007)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $15.00
Age Range: 5 to 8
Launch Date: January 2007
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

Players must be careful not to wake Mom and Baby while they use tools around the house to get the afternoon chores done. The dog might bark or someone might knock over pots and pans, but players must learn to deal with these events. This game encourages storytelling, discussion, imagination, logic, teamwork and learning about practical things around the home. The company requires a minimum game order (can include other titles) of $100.
— “While most of the chores have specific solutions, a variety of others need you to create your own solutions and explain them to each other,” Jim Deacove of Family Pastimes told TDmonthly. It’s different from other games, he added, because “how many games do you know that feature being kind to your Mom and helping with the chores?” Launch date: January 2007.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 10956      (added 1/5/2007)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $15.00
Age Range: 5 and up
Launch Date: September 2006
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Board Games

This double-sided board game offers two games in one. In Gridlock Jr. (ages 5 to 10), players battle a huge traffic jam, directing traffic to get the police car to the crime scene and others where they need to be. Gridlock Sr. (10 and up) is more challenging, with vehicle breakdowns, time pressure, and no stop signs. “The special quality of this board game is that it is cooperative. All the players must work together to free up the traffic jam; otherwise, nobody will get anywhere. Sort of like real life!” Jim Deacove, founder of Family Pastimes, told TDmonthly. Launch date: September 2006
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 10422      (added 12/5/2006)
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