Kids Roll the Dice: OutsetMedia Delivers New Professor Noggin’s
Games for Spring
Tim Connolly
May 1, 2003

Civilizations, First Peoples of North America, Wonders of
Science, and Famous Inventions |
up its December 2002 Parent’s Choice Seal of Approval,
OutsetMedia is debuting four new games in their
popular Professor Noggin’s Card Games series.
The new titles--Ancient Civilizations, First
Peoples of North America, Wonders of Science,
and Famous Inventions-- will be hitting the shelves
the first week of April. Eight previous Noggin’s titles covered
topics such as dinosaurs, space, birds, insects, and ocean life.
Professor Noggin’s games touch on subjects that aren’t
really dealt with a whole lot in the game industry,” said
Brian Dreilich of OutsetMedia. “We wanted a strong educational
component.” First Peoples of North America teaches kids various
hunting, farming, and art traditions of our continent’s native
Designed for
ages seven and up, the Professor Noggin’s series utilizes
trivia, true/false, and multiple choice questions on 30 vividly
illustrated cards to be played by up to eight players. Add some
three-numbered dice, and you’ve got a one-of-a-kind card game.
“Each card has three questions ranked by difficulty,”
said Dreilich. “There’s also a ‘Noggin’s
Choice’ that allows you to take another player’s card
[for an advantage]. It’s a great game for traveling.”
The Professor Noggin’s card games retail at $9.99 and are
available from the company’s website (OutsetMedia.com) and
in specialty stores and museums.