Jodi M. Webb
May 1, 2003

Highly Suspect
manufacturer HABA, well-known in Germany and throughout
Europe, has only recently begun marketing its games in the United
States, but the company is sure to delight American game lovers
with its new board game, Highly Suspect.
Accommodating up to four players (ages six and up), the game has
detectives scurrying about the board trying to capture a suspect
and win a reward card. To accomplish this, players throw a die to
determine their fate, but instead of moving their detective piece,
players tilt the entire board as many times as shown on the die
in order to move through the maze-like game design and closer to
the suspect. The catch? Each tilt also moves the suspect and other
detectives! It may take several games for players to master the
skill of capturing the suspect while keeping the other detectives
at bay. Because Highly Suspect doesn’t just rely on a throw
of the die, it captures the attention of both children and adults.
$34.99 Highly Suspect is priced higher than many other board games
on shelves today, but instead of the flimsy cardboard and brittle
plastic found in most board games, Highly Suspect has a high-quality
fiber board and wooden play pieces that will last long enough to
be passed on to the next generation. Like all HABA games, the game
comes with several different versions that can vary the difficulty
and length of the game.