Fever: OWI’s Newest Robot Creation Goes Back to Nature
Jeremy Loudenback
January 1, 2003

Jungle Robot from OWI |
newest creation, the Jungle Robot, gives kids the opportunity to
explore the expanding
world of robotics via nature’s design. Following in the animatronic
footsteps of OWI products like the Weasel Robot and the Air Zinger,
Jungle Robot was selected as one of the year’s 100 Best Children’s
Toys of 2002 according to the Institute for Childhood Resources.
Using a condenser microphone and printed circuit board, the Jungle
Robot is responsive to voice command for multi-functions. A call
of “Wake Up!” will rouse the robot from its sleep and
cause it to prance around, hand-over-hand like a monkey, or crawling
on its haunches like a gorilla. After a pre-set time, the Jungle
Robot will cease his wanderings and await either another vocal command
or a high-pitched sound or vibration for direction.
The battery controlled Jungle Robot kit is a Beginner Series robot
designed to teach younger ages the basic principles and possibilities
of robotic sensing, electronics, gears and locomotion. The pre-assembled
printed circuit board and hardware/mechanical drive system can be
used with ease by kids ages 10 and beyond. Construction is limited
to basic hand tools.
The Jungle Robot retails at just $19.95. Look for other machine
creations at owirobot.com.
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