It eBay!
By Amy Adair
1, 2003
that odd combination of letters that has come to symbolize a rare
commodity--an Internet success story, is also a great source of
revenue for many toy sellers. “…eBay has had a major
influence on the buying of toy/hobby goods,” says one eBay
member. Why? “Due to the difficulty and time it takes to find
many of the rare items people are looking for …many people
are going straight to eBay.”
can mean a great opportunity for toy retailers, or those looking
to start out in the business. All you need to sell on eBay is a
little time, a computer and reliable Internet provider, access to
a digital camera, and an inventory to sell. The price to list on
eBay depends on the dollar amount you begin your auction at and
the final price at which the item is sold, usually between .30 and
3.30 for insertion, and more depending on the final price. If you’ve
never used eBay, go to ebay.com and select a log-in and password
to get started. To get a gist of the basics, read the information
at https://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/basics.html. Additionally, there
are tutorial workshops held frequently by email. Go to https://members.ebay.com/aboutme/workshopevents
to see current and prospective topics.
& Hobby” and “Dolls & Bears” are just
two of the topics that may be relevant to your business, in addition
to more specialized topics, like “Collectibles.” At
any one time, there may be as many as 821,607 items listed in the
Toy & Hobby category. Make your listing stand out by writing
a distinctive subject line. For example “Simpson Figurines,
Lot~New!” Think about what people are looking for when they
search, and what will catch their eye. Though a limited number of
characters are allowed in the subject line, you can elaborate in
the description. eBay also allows you to highlight your item or
make it bold for an additional fee.
can really make the difference between a sale or fail on eBay. People
want to see what they’re bidding on. Make sure you describe
any faults that the item has, and show them in the photo. If you
own a web site, you can upload your digital photos to it, and link
to them through eBay. If not, eBay allows you one free photo upload
from your computer per listing, with each additional photo costing
ten cents.
an auction ends, both parties receive a confirmation email. Since
the seller has listed their payment methods, the buyer can often
pay right away. Both the buyer and the seller leave feedback after
payment is made and the item is received. This is how people know
you’re trustworthy—feedback is a reflection of your
past transactions.
people on eBay are looking for good deals, using eBay is a great
way for retailers to sell off overstock or unwanted items,”
an eBay member adds. With a little work and creativity, you too
can do it eBay!
Business: Even Small Businesses
Can Benefit from an Internet Presence
Concept: Internet Marketing
and Retailing
Shopping: Online Toy Shopping
Gaining Popularity
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