Present Trick-Or-Treat Alternatives
By Michaele
Birney Arneson
February 1, 2003
from the ancient Celtic fire festival of “Samhain,”
which signaled the close of harvest and the initiation of the winter
season, modern Halloween traditions continue to change as parents’
concerns about child safety take precedence over trick-or-treating.
Halloween books are a good way to move the fun indoors, while keeping
the tradition alive.
Party and Craft Ideas
Theme parties are a popular trick-or-treat alternative, and a number
of books have appeared recently to assist the party planner. Besides
giving readers ideas for their own Halloween parties, retailers
can also benefit by stocking some of the items mentioned.
Pumpkins & Parties |
Homes and Garden Books (editor) has Halloween Pumpkins
& Parties (Meredith Books, 2002) and Halloween
Fun: 101 Ideas to Get in the Spirit (Meredith Books, 2001)
With plenty of photographs in both books, party planners
can get great ideas of what to shop for while flipping through the
Fun: 101 Ideas to Get in the Spirit |
Crafts: Eerily Elegant Décor (Krause Publications,
2001) has stylish suggestions for those desiring a more sophisticated
get-together. Not without kitsch appeal, the book is co-authored
by Kasey Rogers (Louise Tate) from TV’s Bewitched
of all ages will enjoy A Halloween How-To: Costumes, Parties,
Decorations, and Destinations (Pelican Publishing Company,
2001). A one-stop guide for the season, this book combines less
well-known history of the tradition with more than 20 pages of visually
appropriate Halloween party foods, lists of classic Halloween horror
movies, and spooky classical music.
Bio: Michaele Birney Arneson is a freelance writer and
editor, specializing in children’s topics, education and employment,
health science, and environmental issues.