Think the sky's the limit for your great idea?
a "heads up": Invention promotion firms may promise more than
they can deliver. Watch for:
- Upfront
Fees. Reputable invention promotion firms don't charge high
fees in advance for their services.
- Rave
Reviews. Scam artists tell everyone their idea is a sure-fire
money-maker. The evaluations are flattering, but hardly ever realistic.
- Pushy
Promoters. Just because an idea is "patentable"
doesn't mean it's going to make you $. Think before you invest in
the patent process.
- Pie
in the Sky Expectations. Your family and friends may love
your idea, but that doesn't guarantee that everyone else will. More
than 99 percent of new ideas and products never make any money for
their inventors.
- Doing
it on Your Own. You must have the time and the knowledge
needed to successfully patent and eventually market your great
idea. There are many honest promotional firms that can help
you with the process. Do your research and success will come---don't
give up; persevere but be realistic.
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