PO Box 8442
Fresno, CA 93747
Phone: 559-294-2228
Fax: 559-294-1199
Toll free phone: 800-559-9206
For additional information visit: http://www.wiebe-carlson.com
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Product Archives added to TOYDIRECTORY
Product added on: 9/1/2009
Fun Educational games and activities for the home or classroom developed to help students perform better in subjects like math, language arts, science and more. Games That Teach!
With educational experience second to none our staff at WCA is dedicated to bring teachers and parents quality, educationally sound games and activities that teach. Our product developers are all former teachers so they understand what it takes to help create a fun and effective learning environment.
You will find many different types of games and subject matter. The diversity in our line makes it easy to discover a “tool” that will work for you in whatever situation you may have.
National Standards are also very important to us so we include them in every product we design.
We believe the missing ingredient in the learning of a subject is attaining fluency. Without this important achievement it is very difficult for students to move on to the next level. Our products do just that!
You can also find WIEBE, CARLSON, & ASSOCIATES listed in the following categories on ToyDirectory.com:
- Educational
- Board Games
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- Mention TOYDIRECTORY.com
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