7801 185th Pl. SW
Edmonds, WA 98026
Phone: (425) 672-7839
E-mail wholesale inquiries to: juggletunes@lindasevert.com
For additional information visit: http://www.lindasevert.com
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Email: emailtoydirectory@gmail.com
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Master of an astonishing array of musical instruments and theatrical techniques, Linda Severt dazzles eyes and ears, fusing music, circus arts, puppetry, and physical comedy into solo performances of great wit and whimsy.
From Hong Kong to Winnipeg to Key West, Linda has enthralled countless thousands since 1987 with her vibrant performance blend.
Somewhere between Circus and Vaudeville, Linda transforms everyday objects and musical instruments into whimsical props and characters, and weaves them into hilarious, daring tricks and routines with refreshing originality.
You can also find LINDA SEVERT listed in the following categories on ToyDirectory.com:
- Music
- Audio & CD
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- Your name
- Your company name
- Mailing address
- E-mail address and phone number
- Mention TOYDIRECTORY.com
Correction Needed? Please email: emailtoydirectory@gmail.com

Correction Needed? Please email: emailtoydirectory@gmail.com
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