P.O. Box 8515
La Jolla, CA 92038
Phone: 858-456-0540
Fax: 858-456-9641
Toll free phone: 800-968-1930
E-mail wholesale inquiries to: byron@kanemiller.com
For additional information visit: http://www.kanemiller.com
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Email: emailtoydirectory@gmail.com
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We are a very small, very specialized, very independent publishing company. We choose the books we publish with extraordinary care and attention. We think about them, we discuss them, we argue about them. We read them aloud, and then we read them to ourselves, to our families, and to each other. We live with them. In the end, we publish those books that speak to us - and those that we believe will speak to children.
We believe that children's books should comfort and challenge, that they should awaken the imagination and the conscience. We publish books we think are important to bring to American children. We truly believe in bringing the world closer to a child and the children of the world closer to each other. We want books that capture life's and lives experiences and present them in a way that will make children say both "wow, that's just like me" and also "wow, that's different."
We search the world for books that through great stories and arresting illustrations enrich the lives and the imaginations of the children who read them. American children need to learn not just about the United States, but about the world. They need to know that they can share adventures, and fantasies and dreams. Because the children of the coming millennium will not simply be citizens of their own countries, they truly will be citizens of the world.
You can also find KANE/MILLER BOOK PUBLISHERS listed in the following categories on ToyDirectory.com:
- Books
- Educational
- Preschool
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- Your name
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- Mention TOYDIRECTORY.com
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