79 26th St.
Atlanta, GA 30309
Phone: 888-970-0333
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Jacabee, Inc. introduces The Jacabee Code, the only multimedia-platform, immersive adventure series for children ages 6-12 that brings together a Massively Multi-Player Online Game (MMOG), personal journal, 12-book literary series and a television series.
The Jacabee Code provides a safe, fun and engaging experience based on historical themes, and promotes learning and discovery. Through the online experience, children use a secret language and join The Jacabee Code characters – Dooley and Abbey, two ten-year-olds, and a young eagle named Baldy – on quests, where they collect clues, follow maps and use a secret decoder to solve mysteries that unlock their learning potential. After completing the quests, children receive their own personalized journal detailing their online adventure. The Jacabee Code extends the experience offline through a book series chronicling more character adventures, and a television series scheduled to debut 2010.
Mention ToyDirectory for Discount!
You can also find JACABEE INC. listed in the following categories on ToyDirectory.com:
- Educational
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- Mention TOYDIRECTORY.com
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