Phone: 617-916-1880
Fax: 617-454-1001
E-mail wholesale inquiries to: MSeibelMD@healthrock.com
For additional information visit: http://www.healthrock.com
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Product Archives added to TOYDIRECTORY
Product added on: 3/25/2008
What do you get when you cross a world-renowned medical doctor with a guitar?
Answer: Doc Rock! Doc Rock is a real doctor who sings. His core belief is "It’s better to stay well than to get well." That is why he created HealthRock®.
Doc Rock offers chicken soup in the form of music; musical messages that keep kids healthy by teaching them the hows and whys of key health issues.
HealthRock® Kid's EditionOriginal fun music with a health message. Award winning physician sings about nut allergies to wearing a helmet, from dealing with bed wetting to eating healthy. A delight for kids, parents, caretakers and teachers. Listen, laugh and learn. Recommended if you like Sesame Street, Raffi, Schoolhouse Rock.
HealthRock® Lullabies For Kids of All AgesMelodic and ambient instrumentals performed by Piano Trio, created by a medical doctor to help kids of all ages fall asleep. Sleep is essential for children's health and growth and for grown up's health and wellness. Studies show that 37% of children in kindergarten through 4th grade suffer from at least one sleep related problem and sleep problems affect 70 million adults. HealthRock Lullabies for Kids of All Ages is soothing music created to help you relax and fall asleep.
You can also find HEALTHROCK LLC listed in the following categories on ToyDirectory.com:
- Audio & CD
- Educational
- Gifts
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- Your name
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- Mention TOYDIRECTORY.com
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