Z-Man Games, Inc., formed by New Yorker, Zev Shlasinger, has been publishing board,
card, and role playing games since 2000. We also publish gaming accessories and
novelty items like our Baby's First Mythos book. The games we publish are a balance
of original games and those from other countries. They also range from simple
card games to your typical gamer's game.
We have won two Origins awards, been nominated for several more, and this year,
six of our games made it to the Games 100 list.
We are carried by most major hobby distributors around the world and we attend
many shows to support this network, including Gen Con, Origins, and Essen Spiel.
In 2007 we are attending the Australian Games Expo.
We support retailers with an online retailer locator and we also give out free
demo copies of our games so that they can show them to their customers.
After all, games are our business and our pleasure.
Free shipping on the first order of $100 or more when you
mention ToyDirectory.