The Original bodydots(TM) is a unique, trendy line of body accessories that embraces the current trends of body tattoos, henna tattoos and body piercing. The interesting twist to this fashionable accessory line is that it is stick-on and reusable. It is the perfect accessory for Tweens and Teens who perceive body art as Hip and Cool but just can't take the next step to actually getting a tattoo or a body piercing. They can just peel it off.
The Original bodydots(TM) are available in a variety of styles, shapes and sizes. The originals, are tiny stick on bodydots that can be worn on the face fingers and toes, and are available is suns, hearts, moons, butterflies and more. Bodydots come in assorted colors, which allows for a unique and individual statement. The Rounds and Bands and larger bodydots for the shoulders, arms, legs and back or anywhere you can stick something on your body. There are even stick-on rings for the fingers and toes.
The Original bodydots(TM) were first introduced in New York in 2002 by Twist Marketing. We showcased the line at Magic Kids, Surf Expo as well as many gift and toy shows throughout North America. The response in the marketplace has been excellent, particularly in the resort and tourist areas. The Original bodydots are currently sold in specialty stores the USA, Canada, Australia, Mexico and the Caribbean. We originally targeted girls 6-16 however we discovered that woman are also adding bodydots to their wardrobe as a conversation piece or just to achieve an individualize look.
The Original bodydots(TM) is a fun, hip and cool accessory line that can be found at or at specialty retail stores.