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A Wonderful Day In the Neighborhood…with Fred Rogers
By Scott Ferguson

Fred Rogers


This past week we lost Fred Rogers, an enduring icon of childhood for several generations. Fred set the bar for children’s programming in the same unassuming manner that he presented himself to children. Quiet and confident, a reassuring voice from the adult world that paid careful attention to the realities of the child’s world.

I had an opportunity while still in high school near Pittsburgh to participate in making a short film for PBS with my creative writing class. I was lucky to be selected to compose and perform music for the soundtrack to the film. The studio at KQED where we recorded was the same soundstage as Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood.

We literally set up our instruments on the set of the Neighborhood and even tracked one set of the music using Mr. Rogers’ celeste instead of the piano. Mr. Rogers’ warm aura permeated the room as we performed this set of the music with that magic sounding keyboard.

Our film went on to get a five-star rating from Cue Magazine and was seen on all the PBS stations east of the Mississippi River. I always felt we were blessed with Mr. Rogers’ good karma on this project.

And I believe that applies to his legacy among the children lucky enough to have been his TV friends.

We here at ToyDirectory would like to join our industry in sending Fred Rogers off the world stage with love and a hearty thank you.

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