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Products from THE SPOONER

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Below are a select number of products from THE SPOONER

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MSRP: $99.00
Age Range: 6 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2012)
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Outdoor Fun
Sporting Goods & Accessories

The Yardboard is the ultimate down hill slider for dirt, grass and snow. Unlike a snowboard the YardBoard is for ALL surfaces and requires no boots or bindings. Virtually indestructible and Made in the USA.

Product Videos:
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 34465      (added 6/21/2012)

MSRP: $40.00
Age Range: 3 and up
Launch Date: January 2006
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Sporting Goods & Accessories
Outdoor Fun

The Spooner is a balance trainer that simulates board maneuvers associated with surfing, skateboarding and snowboarding but not limited to that. The Spooner helps to develop flexibility and strength in the legs as well as creating a better center of balance. The Spooner is a core trainer, a stabilizer and a pasteurizer because of the ability to work the muscles closest to the spine. Also, it's loads of fun and can be done on any surface indoors or out. Made of H.D.P.E. it is unbreakable. Our guarantee is "You break it, we replace it."  Made by Hand in the USA. Launch date: 2006.
— In a March 2012 survey about outdoor toys, two out of 12 retailers told TDmonthly that Spooner Boards were among their best sellers.
— In a March 2012 survey, Chris Lowe, owner of Beanhead Toys in Sandy Springs, Ga., told TDmonthly that Spoonerboards were one of her best selling ride-on toys.
— Alexander McPherson, toy supervisor at Little Dickens in Lynchburg, Va., told TDmonthly in a March 2013 survey that Spooner Boards are their best selling item - they sell about 114 each year, with sales of the item concentrated in 4th quarter.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 23177      (added 4/7/2009)
Page: 1 

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