"Balance First, Pedal Next Approach to Learning to Ride a Pedaled Bicycle"
Learning to ride a pedaled bike has little to do with training wheels and everything
to do with balance. The KaZAM ™ is the only balance bike on the market
just like it. Our patented design enables kids to gradually build confidence
and eventually use the foot rest to truly have the same sensation and balance
as when riding a traditional bicycle. While riding, Children lift their feet
up naturally and position them on to the foot rest as they maintain proper balance
and center of gravity. It is the most realistic approach to learning coordination
and balance; and ultimately teaching kids how to ride a pedaled bike.
KaZAM ™ is an industry leader in Consumer Product Safety - In compliance
with HR4040 - Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. This law includes: new
requirements for lead in children's products; a lower limit for lead in paint
and surface coatings; a ban on certain phthalates; mandatory third party testing;
EU product safety tested and compliant. We promise high quality and only the
best customer service.
No minimum orders. Please contact info@kazambikes.com for international shipping