Revolution, Inc has been a supplier of high quality products to
the outdoor industry. In 2005 the company began selling its unique
Play & Freeze™ Ice Cream Maker to toy and gift
stores. With this Ice Cream Ball, you can make ice cream anywhere!
You don't need electricity, just add ice and rock salt in one end
and ice cream mix in the other end — then have a ball as you
shake it, pass it or roll it! The ice cream mix can be as simple
as cream, sugar and vanilla. Try flavors from our recipe list included
or make up your own. Made of durable polycarbonate, it's lightweight,
portable and easy to clean. It's ideal for the whole family —
indoors or outdoors. It can be used for Camping, Boating, Picnics,
Parties, Travel...anywhere! For reviews and recipes, please visit
our website