is a fun online experience with educational activities for kids ages
3-6. The characters on the website enter our world in the form of plush toys which
are extra cute and super soft. There is a unique adoption code on each plush toy
which is a key to access the website experience and adopt the Gigapal in their
virtual world. Once an account has been created the customer can enjoy all of
our activities. "Learn to Have Fun" is our motto.
Kids can have fun exploring the highly interactive Gigaworld. Meet the "Vowel
Family" as they go on adventures, try the memory and drawing games, or
tinker with the fantastic bubble machine.
These are just a few of the destinations within the curious world of Gigapals.
Collect them all, Paws, Pengo, Freddy Teddy, Friggle, Clyde, Leo, Boo and Toots
are the newest series of plush pets to hit the shelves AND the web.
here to see some of the newer products Gigapals has shared with ToyDirectory and TDmonthly