At GeoToys, our goal is simple: to make geography fun. We believe
that children possess a natural curiosity about the world and about other people.
If we do our job right and make geography fun, then this curiosity will take
Our first line of products, the GeoPuzzles, are jigsaw puzzles with individual
pieces shaped like countries. By putting the GeoPuzzles
together, children learn world geography while building fine motor, language,
and cognitive skills. The GeoPuzzles are the proud recipient of a "Smart Toy"
award from Dr. Toy, and have been praised by Geography World,, and GeoPuzzles are available for Europe, Asia, Africa, US&Canada,
and Latin America.
Our minimum order is one case (6 pcs) and we offer a "Starter
Special" of 5 cases for the price of 4 (1 case for each puzzle).
special offer: mention toy directory and get free shipping on initial order