Enlightened Play!® is a one-of-a-kind game manufacturer producing high-quality,
family-friendly products that appeal to one's desire to give back; to create
a more sustainable environment; and to protect and nurture the planet.
What makes us one-of-a-kind? A creative twist to game strategy—a player
wins by giving back gifts or goods earned during play. The winner is the one
who follows a "play-it-forward" philosophy to get to the end of
the game. There are no other games on the market like this, yet within community
organizations, classrooms and even in the media, that concept has a groundswell
of support.
EcoRanch™ is the first game of many theme-based board games to be developed
by Enlightened Play!.
Every day is Earth Day at EcoRanch! Players are able to learn about the carbon
footprint left on the planet, but given choices for lessening the impact. Play
revolves around adopting and fostering of animals on a ranch, which has an enlightened
philosophy of caring for the planet and its inhabitants. The game is made in
the USA and is beautifully illustrated. Two hundred Awareness™ cards are
"teasers" with website information for learning more. Additional
booster card sets are planned for the near future.
EcoRanch was designed for tweens through teens, but parents, teachers, and those working with young people will enjoy this game too.
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Shipping restricted to the United States, Mexico, and Canada.
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over $215.00! Click here to see some products ENLIGHTENED PLAY! has shared with ToyDirectory and TDmonthly Magazine.