31976 Azure Rd.
Cushing, MN 56443
Phone: 321-926-8386
Fax: 320-594-7003
E-mail wholesale inquiries to: jeckman@werfun.com
E-mail general inquiries to: jeckman@werfun.com
For additional information visit: http://www.werfungames.com
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Great-selling, interesting and unique games that bring people together is what makes We R FUN Games, well - FUN!
Life on the Farm Just Won: “Best Family Fun” Tillywig Toy Award and was also awarded Learning Magazine’s “Teacher’s Choice” Award.
Life on the Farm: This Legen-'dairy' board game combines fast 'moo'-ving action (with real family farm mishaps) for 'udder'-ly unpredictable FUN! As you race against your neighbors to invest in cows, your income and your expenses grow as fast as your herd does! Collect your 'Milk-Check' when you pass the barn. Market values can change with each roll of the dice. This game is filled with authentic family farm-life experiences, yet is easy to understand and play-it's a true family game that all ages enjoy playing together, comfortably. First to 'retire' wins! This multi- award winning game is praised for developing small business and money management skills.
Preschool Life on the Farm game (ages 3-7) is unique and FUN! The game-board is a large five piece floor puzzle. Draw a color card to travel the path, be the first to fill your empty barn with all 7 different shaped farm animals and win! Teaches colors and shapes, along with the basics of taking turns and playing a board game. Has a very colorful and cute farm design. Board, barn, and animal shaped pieces are made of soft non-toxic foam.
We R Fun also presents Minus 13, an intriguing new math game in a triangle box that draws a lot of customer attention! Minus 13 has an unique hexagon game board, designed from six stepped triangles. Shake dice to collect chips, roll again to determine value. This is a FUN new way to hone basic addition, subtraction and multiplication skills.
Wholesale pricing provided only to qualified resellers. Minimum orders apply: 6 units per title minimum
Special Offer: Free shipping on first order.
You can also find WE R FUN GAMES listed in the following categories on ToyDirectory.com:
- General Games
- Board Games
- Family Games
- Award Winners
- Educational
If you would like to request wholesale pricing, please include the following information with your request:
- Your name
- Your company name
- Mailing address
- E-mail address and phone number
- Mention TOYDIRECTORY.com
Correction Needed? Please email: emailtoydirectory@gmail.com

Correction Needed? Please email: emailtoydirectory@gmail.com
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