See-N-ReadŽ Reading Tools
Contact See-N-ReadŽ Reading Tools:
2533 Sutton Lane, Aurora, IL 60502-9461
Phone: (630) 236 5592
Fax: (630) 236 5593
E-mail wholesale inquiries to: info@see-n-read.com
For additional information visit: http://www.see-n-read.com
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About See-N-ReadŽ Reading Tools
Product Archives added to TOYDIRECTORY
Product added on: 5/14/2010
See-N-Read® Reading Tools are practical reading tools that support key visual and cognitive skills required for readers to effectively receive, process and remember information. See-N-Read® enhances the efficient integration of receiving, processing and remembering of information being read, reducing word and line skipping and pattern glare (words appear to move on the page). It works with any reading materials and programs in any language.
Research-based and Classroom-tested
As a result of federal requirements, schools are demanding research-based products. See-N-Read® provides a research-based solution to reading problems surfaced via the RtI (Response to Intervention) process currently being advocated in many school districts.
Three years of research in reading, cognitive processing, learning theory, dyslexia, psychology and ophthalmology identified specific reading challenges and theoretical solutions to them. Subsequently, two years of pilot programs in schools in Texas and Illinois validated solutions identified in the research, confirming that See-N-Read® produces verifiable reading improvement .
See-N-Read® helps readers smoothly focus on and track five to nine units or “chunks” of text at a time. Text is viewed through a transparent, clear reading window that helps readers to easily focus on the information being read. This window is surrounded by a non-glare, tinted transparent (not opaque) area that enables simultaneous tracking ahead to upcoming information or review of prior information by merely glancing from the clear reading window through the transparent tinted area of the See-N-Read® without removing the tool. This feature allows readers to efficiently and smoothly transition from line to line while keeping their place on the page.
See-N-Read® provides readers with a clear reference point that helps control smooth eye movements across the text on a page. Well-controlled eye movements from left to right enhance fluency, improve retention and comprehension of information.
Endorsed by Professionals
See-N-Read® is endorsed by reading and cognition professionals such as neuropsychologists, psychologist, vision therapist, bilingual reading specialist and classroom teachers. It is currently in use in 45 (U.S.) states and 5 other countries in the Americas and Europe.
You can also find See-N-ReadŽ Reading Tools listed in the following categories on ToyDirectory.com:
- Educational
- Software
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- Your name
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- Mention TOYDIRECTORY.com
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