Baby Einstein Company
Contact Baby Einstein Company:
1201 Grand Central Avenue P.O. Box 25020
Glendale, CA 91201
Phone: 800-793-1454
Fax: 818-549-2060
Toll free phone: 800-793-1454
E-mail wholesale inquiries to: John.Feinour@Disney.com
For additional information visit: http://www.babyeinstein.com
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About Baby Einstein Company
The Baby Einstein(TM) Company is a world leader in developmental media products for babies and toddlers age 0-4 years. Baby Einstein videos, DVDs, discovery cards, books and audio CDs expose little ones to the world around them through the use of real world objects, music, art, language, science, poetry and nature.
Babies are fascinated by the sights and sounds of the world around them. During a baby’s early years, each moment of every day is another opportunity for discovery. This simple principle is the foundation for The Baby Einstein Company and its products.
Created by a mom and designed specifically for infants and toddlers, Baby Einstein products provide fun and stimulating ways for parents and caregivers to interact and enrich their children’s lives. Baby Einstein customers rate its products as among the best in interaction and developmental items for naturally curious children.
Patrick, a stay-at-home dad, told us about his triplets and Baby Einstein: “Thank you for making Baby Bach, Baby Mozart and the animal series. I introduced these videos to my triplets at the age of 4 months. When they hear the opening sequence of any of these (videos) my little ones become relaxed and calm. Together, we enjoy the videos and it gives me the chance to interact with them. They also love it when I hum the tunes while eating and changing. Thanks again for creating a true parent helper. I am looking forward to purchasing the Baby Santa video and CD this coming November. Thanks from a stay at home DAD.”
For more information please visit www.babyeinstein.com, where you can review products, read parent testimonials, and sign up for our specialty retailer program or call 800-793-1454.
You can also find Baby Einstein Company listed in the following categories on ToyDirectory.com:
- Videos & DVDs
- Preschool
- Music
- Infant & Toddler
- Educational
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- Your name
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- Mention TOYDIRECTORY.com
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