In 1945, Bob Baker began manufacturing toy marionettes. Fifty of the finest deparment stores in the country carried his line including Bullocks Wilshire, Saks Fifth Avenue, Nieman Marcus, FAO Schwartz, and Marshall Fields. Today, with Ursula Heinle, Bob continues to manufacture the highest quality marionettes.
Baker Wood Marionettes carry a line of plush hand puppets that are perfect for the beginning puppeteer or playtime fun. One of the most popular item is the Mexican marionettes. No two are alike. Different factories across Meico produce these genuine pieces of folk art and playthings. Some come armed with fake, rubber weapons. Clowns, Playtime Characters, Collectible Disney Marionettes, International Friends are among other gorgeous marionettes available for purchase at www.bobbakermarionettes.comClick here to see some of the products BAKER WOOD MARIONETTES has shared with ToyDirectory and TDmonthly Magazine.