& Beyond Concepts is a manuafcturer and supplier of all types of
New! Available for 2008 - Capt. Keyo Badge
and Whistle Safety Card Game and Capt. Keyo Badge
and Whistle Safety Coloring Book.
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The all new Strike card game is fun to play and will provide hours
of fun for the whole family to enjoy, while teasing the mind and
strategy of their card playing opponents. The Strike card game consists
of 52 unique designed playing cards. Each player has to match his/her
playing cards in sequence, ace through 6 in the same suite with
or without the same suite hot (wild) card to win the hand. When
a player has acquired his/her sequence cards he/she must call aloud
the word Strike, the striking player will then show all other players
his/her cards and will then receive points from all other players
non Strike cards the only points the winner of that hand can not
get is all players cards that are called Saves. The object of the
Strike card game is to see who can obtain the most point value from
each playing hand. A set amount of points for the overall winning
of the game can be determined by the players before playing the
Watch Video
Minimum orders: All retail outlets buying required orders are (24) games per store. (2) dozen manufactured suggested retail selling price $9.95 per each Strike Card Game plus shipping costs.
The following games will be coming soon!
Trak -Chek A new checker game played with special dice played in a circle with a military theme.
Chek - Point
A new checker game played with points and free and loss of turns
on the game board with point values under each checker, also the
game requires a paper and pencil to write down the points each player
obtains while playing the Chek - Point game, The board and the checkers,
can also be used to play without the point values as a regular checker
The Safe Driver Board Game
A game that teaches Safe driving/road signs rules of the road and
much more! The Safe Driver Game is played with two sets of dice
to control the speed of the drivers playing the game. It includes
a test to see what road knowledge the players have obtained about
the rules/signs/traffic regulations of the road after the playing
of the game. The game also teaches small children the six basic
rules of School Bus Safety.